Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Beginning at the End

Welcome to my blog!

I should probably start by introducing myself. My name is Ashley. I am 21 years old and live in Los Angeles.

The reason for the title is that everything about my life seems to contradict itself. For example, I am blond and smart - there aren't many of us out there. I know a lot about a lot of different things, and yet that knowledge is scattered and there are giant gaps.

Blah, anywho. This blog will be the script of the movie that is my life. There have been some rather startling plot twists recently and I would like to use this space as a forum to hear your responses.

Ever since I was about age 4, I have thought my life was a movie, or a long running television show with multiple seasons. I relate to movies such as the Matrix or Avatar because I feel as if my reality is a virtual one. My true reality is the one in my head and my body is an avatar.

Rene Decartes sought to prove the existence of the world around him starting from the assumption 'cogito ergo sum' (I think therefore I am). I disagree. I believe that one's existence can only be proven through the connection to other people.

This blog begins at the end of a rather enlightening academic year.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there... Good luck with your journey :)
